Simply Ice Cream is available in a growing number of outlets, so please keep checking regularly and please let us know if there is an outlet near you who you think may be interested in stocking some of our flavours.

You can find Simply Ice Cream in selected Waitrose, Co-op and Morrisons stores, Farm Shops, Village Stores, Delis, Pubs, Tea Rooms, Attractions and Restaurants across Kent, Sussex, Essex, Surrey and London. We are also at local and national events and food festivals.

Ice Cream Parlours
Ice Cream Parlours
Pubs & Restaurants
Pubs & Restaurants
Farmshops & Delis
Farmshops & Delis
Cinemas & Theatres
Cinemas & Theatres

Use the map below to locate your nearest stockist

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Icons: Farmshops and Delis by Made by Made Premium, Cafés, Cinemas & Theatres by Freepik, Pubs and Restaurants made by Pause08, and Ice Cream Parlours made by Nikita Golubev, all from

explore the range

Shop our range of handmade artisan ice cream, made in small batches in the heart of Kent.